On the Road Again: HP Road Shows
Road Shows were an innovation from Norm Neely, who handled Hewlett-Packard’s sales from 1939–1972. They would later evolve into mobile demonstration labs.
Reflecting on the 50th Anniversary
Ahead of Hewlett-Packard’s 50th anniversary, the company’s early leaders reflected on HP’s past in an exclusive interview. Hear more from Bill, Dave, Lucile Packard and Norm Neely.
Sales Figures: Neely and HP Sales Ops
Norm Neely (seated at the head of the conference table) created Hewlett-Packard’s first sales operation and ran sales in the American West and Southwest from 1939–1972. At first, Neely Enterprises ope ...
The Neely Mobile Lab: The Bus Tour
The Neely Mobile Lab was a custom-fitted bus that gave prospective customers hands-on experience with Hewlett-Packard products. It grew out of Neely Enterprises’ traveling road show product demonstrat ...
Winning Hand: Playing Cards
There was a reason Norm Neely’s firm was so effective in distributing Hewlett-Packard products; he and his people knew how to keep themselves in customers’ thoughts using innovative marketing such as ...