Changing Culture with Network Groups
Discover why Employee Network Groups were so important for supporting Hewlett-Packard’s diverse culture, according to former Director of Global Diversity and Work/Life Emily Duncan.
Diversity as a Corporate Objective
Hewlett-Packard added “diversity” as a formal corporate objective in 1989. Former Director of Global Diversity and Work/Life Emily Duncan reflects on that moment.
Embracing Yourself
Learn how former Director of Global Diversity and Work/Life Emily Duncan made a lasting impact on a fellow Black woman employee.
Emily Duncan: HP Culture & Diversity
Emily Duncan worked at Hewlett-Packard from 1985–2007 in various positions related to diversity, including vice president, culture & diversity for 10 years. During her time with HP, Duncan led diversi ...
Employee Networks: A How-To Guide
HP published this insert offering guidance to employees who wanted to start new employee groups in a 1995 issue of its employee newsletter, Measure. The same issue highlighted the accomplishments of e ...
Employee Resource Groups
In the 1990s HP CEO Lew Platt oversaw a formal chartering process for HP’s working groups for minority and women employees. Chartered groups gained access to email, conference rooms, the HP logo and s ...
HP’s Accelerated Development Program
In 1992, Hewlett-Packard launched the Accelerated Development Program (ADP) to help grow the number of women and minorities in senior management positions. The program annually featured 50-60 high-per ...
Strength in Diversity
By 1997 HP’s record on diversity was so strong that the company took out a full-page advertisement in Fortune chronicling its programs and their accomplishments. CEO Lew Platt declared, “Our diversity ...
The Tops Down Vision
Former Director of Global Diversity and Work/Life Emily Duncan shares her perspective on how Hewlett-Packard embraced diversity efforts under CEO Lew Platt in the 1990s.