An Award-Winning Initiative
In 2000, Hewlett-Packard was named a winner of the Ron Brown Award for Corporate Leadership. Created by then U.S. President Bill Clinton, it was the only presidential award honoring companies for outs ...
Black Employees Forum
The Black Employees Forum was HP’s oldest resource group, with roots dating back to the 1970s — long before resource groups were formally organized or empowered. By 1995, when John Blue (left) and Art ...
Black Employees Reach Out
After HP employee groups received formal charters, it was much easier for them to articulate formal platforms and explain their missions to HP employees. This pamphlet from the Bay Area Black Employee ...
Black Engineers of the Year
In 1999, HP submitted its first employees for consideration at the annual Black Engineer of the Year Awards Conference. The company had been an active supporter of the conference for years, but this w ...
Black Leadership at HP
By the 21st century, Black leaders were influencing HP from the top down. Robert E. “Bob” Knowling joined HP’s board at a critical juncture in 2000 to help the company revamp its operations. A tech an ...
Breaking the Inequality Loop
In 1968, HP’s diversity efforts underwent a dramatic shift when the company moved from a policy of nondiscrimination to actively working to improve minority representation at HP. To help explain the e ...
Creating an Opportunity Loop
HP’s educational and employment initiatives to improve equality sometimes reinforced one other. In 1975, Howard University engineering student Ernest Priestly began working at Hewlett-Packard the summ ...
Creating the Black Employee Network
Learn about the origins of HP’s Black Employee Network from one of its founders, former Human Resources Director Ken Coleman.
Diversity at Play: Willard Jones
HP’s extracurricular activities helped to fuel a general atmosphere of diversity and inclusion at the company. Willard Jones, the company’ earliest-known Black employee, was a member of the company’s ...
Education Efforts: Diversity Training
Many of HP’s diversity efforts were well ahead of their time. In 1975, the company produced a new video to help employees understand not just the obvious injustices of conscious discrimination, but th ...