Tag Results for
"1965" - 6 Total Result(s)
“Management by Walking Around”
Bill and Dave practiced an innovative management style that included “Management by Walking Around” or MBWA, shown here being practiced in the company’s Loveland, Colorado, facility. MBWA assumed that ...
Ciao: Sanborn Products Arrive in Italy
Acquired by Hewlett-Packard in 1961, the Sanborn Division and its products became increasingly popular throughout the 1960s. By 1965, Sanborn had introduced intensive care equipment while its famed Vi ...
HP Enters Computer Storage Market
Hewlett-Packard first entered the market for producing computer storage solutions with the acquisition of Datamec, Inc. in 1965. Datamec produced magnetic tape recorders such as the SC4400. As a part ...
The Coffee Break at HP
Coffee breaks were a regular ritual at Hewlett-Packard facilities. Twice a day, employees from all levels and departments — including Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett — would gather around refreshment st ...
The Right Tools: Reliability and Accuracy
It took a great deal of equipment to make instruments so reliable and accurate that other companies used them to calibrate their own devices. This microwave spectroscopy gear belonged to Hewlett-Packa ...
Travel Plans: Hewlett-Packard “Travelabs” ...
Hewlett-Packard “Travelabs” used to drive throughout American sales districts, bringing the company’s technology directly to prospective customers without requiring a dedicated space or extensive setu ...