Tag Results for
"1930s" - 16 Total Result(s)
A Deal with Disney: HP 200B Oscillator
Modified versions of Hewlett-Packard’s 200A oscillator for specific applications went into production almost simultaneously with the 200A itself. Perhaps the most famous modification was the 200B, a c ...
A Fantastic First Ad: HP’s First Magazine Ad
Hewlett-Packard’s first magazine ad appeared in the November 1939 issue of Electronics, showcasing the Model 200B audio oscillator. This product would notably be used by Walt Disney Studios to test so ...
Addison Avenue: Initial Home Office
Hewlett-Packard’s first campus was a rented residential property at 367 Addison Avenue in Palo Alto. The Packards lived on the first floor of the main house, while Bill Hewlett lived in the cottage ou ...
Addison Avenue: The Garage
The garage at 367 Addison Avenue became a Silicon Valley icon. Dave and Bill worked there in 1938 and 1939 while living on the property, and it was there that they developed Hewlett-Packard’s first pr ...
An Early Benchmark at Addison Avenue
The Addison Avenue garage proved to be a successful space for Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett to develop technology. Their 200A audio oscillators and 200B oscillators found a home on the workbench.
Bill Hewlett Before Hewlett-Packard
Upon graduating from Stanford University in 1934 with his undergraduate degree in radio engineering, Bill pursued his master’s degree at MIT. After receiving it, he then returned to Stanford, where he ...
Climb Every Mountain: Shared Interests
Bill and Dave were both avid outdoorsmen, a shared interest that did much to forge their early friendship. Bill had a particular fondness for mountaineering.
Dave Packard Before Hewlett-Packard
After Bill and Dave graduated from Stanford University’s undergraduate program in radio engineering in 1934, Dave moved to New York state to take a job with General Electric. Bill and Dave knew they w ...
Dave Packard: The Big Man on Campus
Dave Packard was an avid athlete. He played on his high school basketball and football teams, the Stanford University football team and even on a semi-pro basketball team while he worked for General E ...
HP’s First Product: The 200A
The 200A oscillator used a design breakthrough Bill Hewlett had developed at Stanford to offer a greater level of accuracy than the best oscillators then available on the market for a fraction of the ...