Titan Smartwatches & HP Technology
Titan was founded as a watch brand in 1984, but when it decided to break into smartwatches more than 30 years later, it turned to a tech partner it could trust: HP.
Video: Clean Rooms for Semiconductors
HP Labs built its own clean room in Palo Alto for semiconductor research. The facility was outfitted with a combination of industry standard and in-house technologies that allowed developers to experi ...
Video: Energy-Saving Data Center
Hewlett-Packard’s Wynyard Data Center in Northeast England was designed to work with local conditions to be as energy efficient as possible. The facility used the cold air from the North Sea to cool i ...
Video: Fine Print for Med Organizations
Hewlett-Packard’s strengths in print and personal computing technologies meant that the company could aid the administrative side of healthcare as well as the scientific side, ensuring better, prompte ...
Video: New Tech at Children’s Hospital
HP’s Medical Research and Development programs could work hand in hand with its humanitarian ones. The company worked with Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford to develop a new electronic “d ...