Tag Results for
"2010" - 4 Total Result(s)
Cloud Covered: HP Labs G-Cloud Demo
HP Labs developed a demonstrator for G-Cloud technology at its Bristol, England, facility, the home of the HP Security Lab. G-Cloud combined the advantages of cloud computing with the exacting securit ...
Memristors: From Theory to Reality
First conceived in 1971, memristors existed only in theory until 2008, when HP Labs announced it had successfully developed them. Memristors are similar to transistors, a basic component of microchips ...
The Pros: ProLiant’s Role at Hewlett-Packard
In 1994, Compaq’s ProLiant brand offered the world’s first rack-mounted servers. Since joining with Hewlett-Packard in 2002, ProLiant has continued to provide innovative, industry-leading technology e ...
Video: Energy-Saving Data Center
Hewlett-Packard’s Wynyard Data Center in Northeast England was designed to work with local conditions to be as energy efficient as possible. The facility used the cold air from the North Sea to cool i ...